Metal: gold, insert - dr.kamen. Metal: gold, insert - dr.kamen.
$ 600 $ 600

Despite the wisdom, the life of King Solomon was not quiet.
And King Solomon once asked for advice to the court sage with a request: "Help me - very much in this life can bring me out of myself.
I am very prone to passions, and this prevents me from!" To which the sage replied: "I know how to help you ". Put on this ring - it bears the phrase: "It will pass." When nahlynet intense anger or strong joy, look at this inscription, and he will sober.
In this you will find salvation from the passions! "Solomon followed the advice of the sage and regained composure. But the time has come, looking, as usual, the ring, he did not calmed down, and vice versa - even more out of himself.
He tore the ring from his finger and wanted to throw it away into the pond, but then noticed that the inside of the ring has some kind of inscription. He looked and read: "And this too shall pass . '
Another option is the legend: One day King Solomon was sitting in his palace, and saw the man on the street goes up and down dressed in golden robes. Solomon summoned the man and asked: "Are not you a thief?".
At that he responded that he was a jeweler: "And Jerusalem - the famous city, here comes the set of wealthy people, kings and princes." Then the king asked the jeweler how much it earns? And he proudly replied that a lot. Then the king laughed and said that if This jeweler so smart, let him make a ring, which makes the sad merry, merry and sad.
And if three days later the ring is not ready, he tells them to a jeweler to execute. It would not be a talented silversmith, but on the third day he came to fear king with a ring to it. At the threshold of the palace, he met Rahavama, son of Solomon, and thought: "Son of the sage - half the sage."
And he told Rahavamu about his misfortune. At that he grinned, picked up a nail and three sides of the ring scribbled three Jewish characters - Gimel, Zain and yud. And he said that this can go safely to the king.
Shlomo turned the ring and immediately understood the value of the letters from the three sides of the ring on his own - and their sense of the abbreviation גם זו יעבור «This too shall pass." And as ring spinning, and all time top advocate a different letter, so the world spins and spins as the destiny of man. and I thought that now he sits in a throne, surrounded by all its glory, but it will pass, he immediately became sad.
And when Ashmoday threw it on the edge of the world, and Solomon had three years to wander, then looking at the ring, he realized that this too shall pass, and he was fun.
Another version of the legend: One day King Solomon was sitting in his palace, and saw the man on the street goes up and down dressed in golden robes. Solomon summoned this man and asked: "Are not you a thief?".
To which he replied that he was a jeweler.
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