If I accepted a cup of tea at Huashan, it would be my most expensive cup of tea, not in terms of money, but because the Huashan (Chinese trad.?, Simplified.?, Pinyin Huashan) - one of the five sacred mountains of Taoism in China, located in Shaanxi Province, near the district town Huain (station on the railway Xian - Luoyang). Gore is famous for exquisite picturesque rocks and dangerous rise complex on top.

Mountain trail connects many of the highest peaks to 2100 m, is a unique mountain route. On the way there are many Taoist monasteries, pagodas, temples, gates and bridges. It is built on top of the mountain teahouses in which tourists can drink flavored beverage contemplating perhaps the most beautiful landscapes on the planet.

Makaii maz infonya.
Ini sangat berguna buat saya.
These mountains remind me of the floating mountains on the movie Avatar..I bet the view there is fantastic...even though you have to climb it for hours, once you get to the top, everything would still be worth it.
The blog contains informational and educational material. The post enhance my thoughts and experience. So nice!
I've got to scramble to keep up with your prodigious output!
Huashan is really sounding as interesting place .I can understand your happyness over getting a cup of tea there.You have really shared a matter of great importance. I am delighted to read this.
information is given about to drink a cup of tea in China.Nice blog to share.
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