Cylinders of the Pharaoh - two mysterious cylindrical object in the hands of some ancient Egyptian sculptures. Among specialists, Egyptologists, there is no consensus on the origin of these items.
In 1976 in the Caucasus R. Dobrovolsky and V. Kovtun was discovered an ancient esoteric manuscript entitled "Secrets of Life and Death," which contained information on the Lunar and Solar cylinders made of zinc and copper with some internal content. According to the unknown author Cylinders of the Pharaoh used the pharaohs and priests of ancient Egypt to strengthen the vitality and communication with the gods.
Cylinders of the Pharaoh were recreated according to an ancient recipe, and then for many years studied physicist Vladimir Kovtun. In these studies involved physicians, physicists, Egyptologists, psychics and parapsychologists.
The results surprised scientists. It turned out that the Cylinders of the Pharaoh have the widest range of beneficial effects on the human body.
It includes: assistance with cardio-vascular diseases, neurotrophic, hypertension and excretory tract diseases, asthma, insomnia, headaches and as a means of stress management and prevention of atherosclerosis. One of the amazing features of Cylinders of the Pharaoh - improving the work of almost all the major body systems (performance of these systems are improved to an average of 2 - 2.5 times)
According to some doctors Cylinders of the Pharaoh is a unique, self-tuning for each person, a physiotherapy unit, created by the genius of the ancient Egyptian scientists. Their medicinal properties, which include metallotherapy, galvanic and magnetic therapy have allowed physician-bioenergy T. Meshkova develop an effective methodology for the use of cylinders. Cylinders of the Pharaoh useful as adults and children alike. They create in the human environment in which it is much easier to cope with their troubles. Cylinders - more beautiful than a prophylactic against certain diseases. According to the results of experiments physician T. Meshkova Cylinders of the Pharaoh protect from exposure to radiation of various electronic equipment: computers, televisions, microwave ovens, etc.
On the Cylinders of the Pharaoh Rossiyskim TV shot 4-hour documentary "Egypt. Test secret. Their investigator, V. Kovtun, written by popular science book "The Mystery of Cylinders of Pharaoh". Bratislava. Ariadne. 1999
Cylinders of the Pharaoh patented. Trademarks "Cylinders of Pharaoh" and "Cylinders of the Pharaohs" are registered in 20 countries in the name of the researcher V. Kovtun.
I'm confused - what are Cylinders of the Pharaoh?
Tremendous chase! Thanks for increasing my knowledge about Cylinders of the Pharaoh. I have the benefit of comprehension.
Great this post.thx
Egyptians had one of the most advanced technologies in the past...their technologies were so advanced that they became one of the civilizations that have many contributions to the present civilization...anyways thanks a lot for sharing this post about the Pharaoh cylinders...I hope scientists in our time can copy the concept behind these tools.
Quite intriguing! I am fascinated with this stuff :))
This blog always create some informational and amazing things, which add in my knowledge and experience. Thanks for sharing.
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